1. pl
  2. en


I am a Poland based comic book author, illustrator and doll maker.


Since 2011, I have been publishing comics regularly on the Internet and in print - they are available in online and stationary bookstores, as well as on the Empik Go platform. I was a scholarship holder of the comic book residency program of two UNESCO Cities of Literature: Cracow and Angoulême. The comic album "Czy wszystko smakuje?" (eng. “How’s everything tasting?”) published by Kultura Gniewu (2023) is my feature-length debut.


I worked on animated productions of the Animoon studio.
I mainly deal with layouts, backgrounds and character design.


Since 2016, I have been creating poseable art dolls based on my own designs as well as commissioned by private individuals and companies. I usually use polymer clay and felt. I also duplicate some designs in resin, creating silicone molds myself. My dolls are largely inspired by fairy tales and legends.

Born 1990 in Bytom, Poland. Currently residing in Cracow.

My main hobbies are movies and cartoons. I like cats and singing out of tune at karaoke.





Recent exhibitions and the most important awards:


• Collective and solo exhibitions: Warsaw PL (2023, “Lengrenówka” - Museum of Caricature’s studio), Cracow PL (2023, Headquarters of the Comic Book Museum Foundation), Poznań PL (2023, Poznań Festival of Comic Book Art), Szczecin PL (2023, West Pomeranian Meetings with Comics and Pop Culture "BETON"), Angoulême FR (2023, Cité internationale de la bande dessinée et de l’image)

• 2022 - won a scholarship from the literary residency program of UNESCO Cities of Literature: Kraków-Angoulême

• 2022 - won 3rd place in the 5th edition of the Janusz Christa’s Competition for a comic book for children (group project "Nie tak super")

• 2023 - nomination for the Best Comic of the Year at the International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź and the “Beton” Festival Award for the best non-fiction comic (group project "With their own voice")




• "Czy wszystko smakuje?" (2023, published by Kultura Gniewu)

• "Ziniarnia" (2023, 2 issues)

• "Bardzo ważne" (2022)
• the "Przewodniki po śmierci" series (2019, 2020)

• "Nie lubię siebie gdy jestem pijana" (2017)

• shorts published in anthologies ("With their own voice", "Warchlaki" etc.)

photo by Łukasz Urbaniak